
Archive 2018

Microsoft Teams Tip Tuesday - Give more context!

Published at December 18, 2018 ·  2 min read

This tip is somewhat based on last week’s tip. When posting a conversation into a Microsoft Teams channel, give as much context as possible. If you are posting a link, tell what the link is about, don’t just post the link. Also, tag people if you want them to see it specifically. Many times, we post things in a Channel and it ultimately just becomes a large “junk” drawer of content....

Microsoft Teams Tip Tuesday - Add a Subject to a Conversation

Published at December 11, 2018 ·  1 min read

This is one that has become pretty common to many of the Teams that I am a part of and I have seen it documented by a few others but felt like it needs more publicizing. If you are starting a new conversation, add a subject to make it more engaging. This really helps if you have multiple conversations going on in a Channel. This is super easy to do. Right below the “Start a new converstation” where you would type, there is an icon that has an “A” with a pencil on it:...

Meetings location in Microsoft Teams

Published at December 4, 2018 ·  2 min read

I’m sure some of my blog readers remember back when OCS or Lync came out we’d get a brand new CHM file that we would comb over looking for what was new or changed. Everything at the time had that new tech smell. It was awesome. I’ll be honest, learning something new about a technology never gets old for me. This blog post is a perfect example of why. I was doing a walk-through of a presentation I was going to help with and the speaker had a slide in there that caught my eye....

Comms vNext Thanks!

Published at June 11, 2018 ·  2 min read

By the time you read this, it will be Monday morning. I wanted to take just a moment to thank everyone who made Comms vNext 2018 possible. First and foremost, I want to thank the community and everyone who showed up. Without the community and folks desiring an event like this, we would never have attempted it. Second, I want to thank the speakers and the volunteers who worked tirelessly to make the day so special....

The end of the road for Lync Phone Edition (LPE)

Published at May 22, 2018 ·  3 min read

Not sure if you noticed, but Microsoft made an announcement back around the Ignite time frame that they were going to disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1 in Office 365. Originally, they stated they were going to do this in March of 2018. Many of us wondered what impact this would have on Lync Phone Edition. Well, Microsoft thought about it, then decided to delay implementing the change until October 31st. When they moved the date, they confirmed that Lync Phone Edition would not be updated to support TLS 1....

Teams and Scheduled Channel Meeting Invites

Published at April 17, 2018 ·  5 min read

This blog came from a situation where I noticed I got an invite for a meeting from a Team where I am a guest member. When I reached out to the person who sent the invite, they said they didn’t invite me and that no one else from their team had received the invite. This caused me to dive deep into the behavior of invites with Teams. HT to Bryan Nyce for pointing me to Matt Soseman’s article about this very topic: https://blogs....

ICYMI: Skype for Business Server 2015 - January 2018 Update

Published at February 20, 2018 ·  1 min read

In this episode of ICYMI: Skype for Business Server 2015 - January 2018 Update If you were overwhelmed in late January by the rapid release of a bunch of Skype for Business and Teams features, you weren’t alone. I wanted to take a minute to highlight some key things that came out with the January 2018 Update: * Support of Location Based Routing with the Mac Client * Location Based Routing fixes where LBR users can be connected to non-LBR users * Support for Disclaimers on the Mac Client Couple of things to note, first, with the Mac Client, you should have the latest deployed....

ICYMI: Microsoft Teams App Studio

Published at February 13, 2018 ·  1 min read

In this episode of ICYMI, I wanted to highlight the Microsoft Teams App Studio: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Microsoft-Teams-Blog/Microsoft-Teams-App-Studio-Preview/bc-p/151540#M629 Here is the link to the “Getting Started with Teams App Studio”: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/get-started/get-started-app-studio While I am not a developer, I really think Teams App Studio is exciting. I can see a lot of potential for how organizations could use this to create simple (or complex) Apps that can be embedded into Microsoft Teams to help streamline their co-workers tasks....